When To Bluff In Poker

Bluffing is a vital part of the poker strategy. Non-poker players also understand that you can’t always win by holding the best hand. Therefore, you need to ‘tell stories’ about your hand and force the other players to fold.

  1. How To Know When To Bluff In Poker
  2. When To Bluff In Poker Room
  3. When Should You Bluff In Poker
  4. When To Bluff In Poker

Know thy opponent you’re pulling off a bluff on. Usually when you make a big bluff, it’s going to be. Steal the Blinds More Often. The easiest way to start bluffing more in poker is just to start stealing. Bluff definition, good-naturedly direct, blunt, or frank; heartily outspoken: a big, bluff, generous man.

In simple words, bluffing is an act of deception. When you bet or raise to make the opponent feel that you have a stronger hand than what it actually is, you are attempting to make your opponent fold. This is regardless of whether he has a stronger or weaker hand than yours. The result of a bluff is that you win the pot even when you don’t have the best cards in hand.

A player can bluff at any time during a game. Poker pros know when it is the most opportune time to bet. In other words, they know when the opponents are likely to fold.

But how can you make every bluff successful?

Beginners struggle to pull off successful bluffs. However, if you learn how to pick your spots, you can make every bluff look natural.

The Six Aspects of Bluffing

You need to keep in mind six aspects before deciding if it is the right time to bluff. These aspects include the type of opponents, table image, the bets so far, your position, your hand’s strength, and the bet size.

Let’s understand each of these in detail.

1. Type of Opponents

The success of your bluff ultimately depends on your opponent’s reaction. If your opponent folds after you bet, your bluff is successful. On the other hand, if your opponent calls your bet, your bluff fails.


The first thing that you need to understand is how you can control your opponents’ reactions. You decide your bet, and he decides his. So, is there something you can do to change his behaviour?

Different poker players have different playing styles. You must always bluff against the right players. It is best to bluff when there’s only one opponent. At times, you can affect the behaviour of all the players on the table, but it is best to keep the bluff one-on-one.

Likewise, you must avoid bluffing against bad targets. You don’t want to bluff against a player who has nothing to do with your bluff when he calls, bets, raises, or folds.

It is no fun to bluff against a loose player who will give up the hand to your bet, even if he feels that his cards were stronger. At the end of the day, a bad player who does not try to decode your bet is just dumb to fold, irrespective of what moves you make. Also, make sure you don’t bluff against a player who frequently calls. Most poker experts believe that bluffing against a good player is easier than bluffing against a bad player.

Besides understanding the kind of poker player you are playing against, it is vital to keep an eye on the recent actions of your opponent. Some players aren’t in the right frame of mind after getting hammered in a game. These players tend to tilt and show aggression. They’ll bet all of their chips whether they have good cards or not. These players are bad targets for your bluff, even if they are generally players who play with a good strategy.

On the other hand, if an opponent has recently hit a large pot and is stacking the chips, he or she is a great target for your bluff. Besides, when a player is on the verge of leaving or is close to breaking even, they are good targets. These players are focused on preserving their stack. As a result, they would appropriately react to your bluff.

2. Table Image

The second aspect that determines the success of your bluff is your table image. You must understand it well so that you can use it to your benefit. If you’re perceived as a tight player, the meaning of your bets is strength. As a result, you have higher chances of succeeding with your bluffs.

Conversely, if opponents see you as a wildman – a player who bets without rhyme or reason and just keeps throwing in chips, you might fail at bluffing. Opponents are likely to call your bets.

So, consider your table image before you plan your bluffs.

3. The Bets So Far

Bets aren’t viewed independently. They establish a narrative. Therefore, if you want your bluff to succeed, your bet must be a part of that narrative. A good opponent will accept that your bet on the river indicates that you hit a flush only if you have been betting on the previous streets and hinting that you are playing on a flush draw.

Let’s understand this with the help of an example. Let’s create a narrative that makes, “I just hit a flush on the river.” believable.

Suppose you are playing an INR 5/INR 10 game. Your opponent has a large stack and raises the pre-flop to INR 50. You call the bet with A♣ Q. The flop is dealt with K♠ 10♣ 6. Your opponent bets INR 200 and you call the bet. At the turn, a Q♣ is dealt. The board now has K♠ Q♣ 10♣ 6. Your opponent bets INR 350. You call. The river is 4♣, making the final board K♠ Q♣ 10♣ 6 4♣. The game changes here and your opponent decides to check. However, you bet INR 500.

Your betting history creates the narrative that hit a flush. Your actions to continue calling the opponent’s bets pre-river make it seem like the river turned your flush draw into a flush. As a result, your bluff is likely to succeed.

4. Your Hand’s Strength

If your hand is so weak that there’s no way you can win unless the opponent folds, it is known as a pure bluff. This type of bluff is unlikely to let you win the pot. On the other hand, bluffs backed by hands that have a scope of improvement as the hand develops are called semi-bluffs. This type of bluff is considered to be a bluff with a backup plan. The chances of winning with a semi-bluff are higher since you can win even if the opponents don’t fold.

How To Know When To Bluff In Poker

Here’s what a semi-bluff looks like. Your hole cards include A K. On the flop, there’s a J10♣ 8. You bet. While you don’t have anything right now, your opponent can decide to fold to your bet. If that happens, your bluff is successful. However, in case he decides to call, you can still win if the turn or river shows a Queen or a card of diamonds.

This example indicates that if your bluff has a backup plan, it is preferable to a pure bluff. Therefore, keep in mind the strength of your hand when deciding if you should or should not bluff.

5. Your Position

The fifth aspect to understand when to bluff depends on your position on the table. This position is concerning the players still playing the hand. An ideal situation would be to see your opponent’s reaction to the board before it is your turn to decide the bluff. This means that having a late position is more beneficial to bluffing than an early position.

If your opponent checks, you can guess that he or she has a weak hand. Here, you can choose to bet. In case you are at a late position and need to take action first, you will not have the benefit of knowing how your opponent will react to the board.

In poker, there are always exceptions. So, bluffing from an early position may be more beneficial in certain situations. For instance, if your opponent is rather sophisticated, who believes that a bluff is mostly performed from a late position, you can try to trap him into laying down a superior hand by betting from an early position.

6. The Size of the Bet

If you’re playing a no-limit game, you must consider the size of the bet before bluffing. In an ideal situation, it would be best to bet the minimum amount necessary to get the other player to fold. However, how do you decide that amount?

When To Bluff In Poker Room

Most players believe that a higher betting amount will encourage the opponent to fold. But this is not true when it comes to the actual game. You must analyze the thresholds over which the opponents will avoid to call. If you know this threshold and can get close to it, the chances for your opponent to fold will increase.

Now, for example, the pot has INR 500. The flop has missed you. The other player on the table decides to check, signalling weakness. As a general principle, it will be enough to bet an amount that equals to half of the pot. Your bet will get your opponent to fold provided he hasn’t been able to make a strong hand and is not even on a draw. Generally, you mustn’t bet more than INR 250 to force your opponent to fold.

However, please note that every hand and every opponent is different. In case signs are indicating that your opponent is playing on a draw, it would be a good idea to bet the pot’s size. A larger bet will encourage him or her to fold. Moreover, if your opponent is a tight player, you can do away with a smaller bet, maybe only INR 125. Likewise, if you are playing against a calling station, you cannot make him fold even with a large bet. So, there’s no point trying to bluff against a calling station.

Let’s use another example for better understanding. The pot has INR 800. You’ve reached the river, and as per your perception, your opponent has a flush draw. The card at the river breaks the chances of a flush. Your opponent decides to check. If your understanding of your opponent is right, he will never call, regardless of the bet’s size. Conversely, your hand is weak, and therefore, checking is not a good idea. You can place a safe bet equal to 25% of the size of the pot and expect the opponent to fold. There is no need to bet higher because your opponent could also be deceiving you with a higher hand. In case he bets higher, it would be best to end your bluff with a loss of only INR 200.

Wrapping Up

When Should You Bluff In Poker

Not every bluff is successful. You need to identify the right place and time to bluff. Beginner level players tend to bluff frequently and fall into the pit themselves. It is essential that you take into consideration all the aspects shared in this guide before you try to succeed at a bluff.

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When To Bluff In Poker

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