Uston Ss Card Counting System

Level of difficulty: 3

Uston Ss Card Counting SystemThe Uston SS is an advanced, Level 3, unbalanced card counting strategy. It is highly optimized for betting (predicting the right amount to wager). Since it is unbalanced, you do not need to worry about figuring out the true count. It took me hours of online practise before I got this tricky count down pat, but since then, it has worked miracles at the casinos.

The Uston SS system is one of the more accurate card counting systems available, which is why many folks turn to it. However, the increased accuracy comes due to a much more complex counting system than many others. But, if you’re up for the challenge of learning this advanced card counting system, you’ll be rewarded with higher accuracy. Uston SS Card Counting System The Uston SS Blackjack Card Counting System is more advanced but more accurate with a Betting Correlation of 99%. The idea is the same as in the Hi-Lo Card Counting System but involves 6 values, rather than 3. The difficulty of this strategy lies in memorizing each card’s.

  1. Blackjack Strategy System. With the hi-low card counting system, the player must perform a running count and add up the values accordingly. This blackjack card counting strategy and the Uston SS Card Counting System will add up accordingly. However, the latter will be more difficult because of it having more groups to decipher.
  2. Uston SS Card Counting System The Uston SS is another one of Ken Uston 's card counting systems that he invented in the early 1980s. The 'SS' in the name stands for 'Strongest and Simplest'.
UstonFirst written about in 'The Uston SS Count' (1986), Ken Uston's system literally blew the minds of professional blackjack players everywhere. It will definitely take some time to master, but once you have it under your belt you will literally be able to treat casinos like your personal piggy bank.
The Uston SS has the highest betting correlation of any card counting system that I've heard of. This means that it very accurately predicts when to bet big, and when to retract. I highly recommend practising the Uston SS online before taking it to the land-based casinos. Two solid online casinos that I would highly recommend are Cherry Red and Mount Rushmore because the odds are 100% legit (I know, I've tracked them). Now remember, card counting does not work online, but it is still fun to gamble while practising online.

Uston Ss Card Counting System